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Sites should map and analyse ASM stakeholders following the guidance in Section 3A, Stakeholder Engagement, which includes identifying and mapping ASM-related stakeholders, and understanding their influence and interests, and assessing the vulnerability of ASM stakeholders in the systemic vulnerability assessment (see Section 2, Review and Planning).

ASM stakeholders include more actors than the ‘diggers’. When mapping and analysing stakeholders, sites should consider the broader ASM system. Figure 4K.2 provides an overview of the stakeholders typically involved in an ASM system but note that local role terms may vary from country to country.:

Figure 4K.2 Stakeholders involved in an ASM system

Table 4K.3 provides questions that can be used to guide the identification of stakeholder groups involved in ASM.

Table 4K.3 Identifying ASM stakeholders

Vested interests
  • Who has influence and leverage over ASM actors, e.g. team leaders/foremen, traditional authorities, customary landowners, financiers, religious leaders?
  • Who is involved in mining, trade and financing in the background, who benefits, and how? e.g. politically exposed persons, private investors, specific political groups, etc, through pre-financing, trade deals, corruption.
  • Are ASM supply chains linked to criminal groups or armed groups, i.e. financing crimes or armed groups by controlling ASM sites or trading routes, or by illegally taxing/extorting money along supply chains, through corruption, money laundering, etc?
Community and vulnerability
  • Are the community and ASM stakeholders the same, are there overlaps, are there conflicting interests/relationships?
  • Where do miners, processors, traders, financiers come from? Are they considered part of the community, or rather as ‘outsiders’ and why?
  • Who is involved in ASM? Are there particular ethnic groups, groups that are particularly vulnerable or marginalised, groups aligned with certain power brokers or financiers, etc?
  • Which actors within the ASM ecosystem are most vulnerable and why? Which are those most hidden?
4K.2 Guidance | Plan
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4K Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)  |  4K.2 Guidance  |  Plan