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2. Review and planning

Contents in this section:

1. Governance

1.1 Introduction

This section provides guidance on sites’ social performance review and planning. Anglo American is committed to building sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships with potentially affected stakeholders across the Life of Asset (LoA). This requires a long-term vision, defined through collaboration, informed by a deep understanding of our context and our stakeholders, and shaped by the potential impacts we may have and the opportunities we can create.

Specifically, this section:

  • provides guidance on conducting both an internal and external context assessment
  • provides guidance on collecting social baseline data and identifying a site’s Area of Influence
  • details the requirement for a Social Management Plan (SMP) and Stakeholder Accountability Report (SAR)
  • clarifies the content and structure for the SMP, including long-term social performance objectives and the annual implementation plan
  • identifies the relationship and synergies between the SMP, the Life of Asset Plan (LoAP) and the Sustainable Mining Plan
  • provides guidance on embedding social performance into sites’ business planning cycles.

Intended users

The site’s Social Performance team is the primary intended user of this section. The Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) team has important responsibilities particularly in relation to environmental and health baseline data gathering and analysis. Supply Chain, Human Resources, Life of Asset Planning, Finance and Operations also have roles to play in social performance review and planning.

Relevance to other sections

This section provides guidance on sites’ approach to social performance, providing both the long-term vision and the data that underpin all the sections of the Social Way; from engaging stakeholders to identifying and managing impacts to value creation.

  • Governance (Section 1) – the SMP should inform longer-term and short-term needs for social performance staffing and budgeting. The Social Performance Management Committee (SPMC) should contribute to the development of the SMP.
  • Engagement and Analysis (Section 3)
    1. Stakeholder Engagement (3A)– it is important to maintain an up-to-date understanding of potentially affected stakeholders in order to inform the site’s Area of Influence and the vulnerability assessment.
    2. Incident and Grievance Management (3B) – long-term social performance objectives should be informed by trends and patterns of incidents and grievances.
    3. Social and Human Rights Impact and Risk Analysis (3C) – the internal and external context assessment inform the annual Social and Human Rights Impact and Risk Analysis (SHIRA), as well as the development of effective controls. The long-term approach to impact and risk management and a summary of the priority actions to manage the key potential social and human rights impacts and risks should be included in the SMP.
  • Impact and Risks Prevention and Management (Section 4) ‒ as part of social performance review and planning, sites conduct a screening exercise to identify which of the Impact and Risk Management and Prevention sections apply. Certain topic specific management plans may be annexed to the SMP.

Frequency and timing

Social performance review and planning is an ongoing and iterative process because it is based on a constantly changing internal (i.e. site plans and activities) and external (i.e. local community) context.

The SMP is a living document, subject to a substantial refresh every five years following review/update of the external and internal context analysis, or more frequently if significant changes in external and/or internal context or in business objectives occur.

The main deliverables of social performance review and planning are the SMP and the SAR:

  • The SMP summarises the context and baseline, lists long-term social performance objectives, key social and human rights impacts and risks, and provides an overview of site-level resourcing. The SMP also includes an annual implementation plan, which should be updated every year as it reflects the priorities and activities for the forthcoming year, and includes a summary of key commitments and their status. The commitments register should either sit as an Annex to the SMP or be managed in an online register and referenced in the SMP.
  • The SAR is a publicly available report that summarises the SMP for external stakeholders, providing transparency and accountability on a site’s social performance. The SAR is to be updated and disclosed to local communities and other interested stakeholders at least every five years.
2. Review and planning | 2.1 Introduction
2. Review and planning  |  2.1 Introduction