Sites should draft Statements of Work (SoW) for each element to guide the design and implementation of projects per element. SoWs should only be developed for the priority elements identified in Task 3.
The objective of the SoW is to identify desired outcomes at the element level and identify an appropriate approach to deliver on the desired outcomes. For example, while the Sustainable Mining Plan includes specific targets for the employment, education and skills, and health and well-being elements, sites may have flexibility in terms of their selected approach for achieving these targets. The approach should be based on an understanding of the internal and external context, opportunities for partnership and collaboration, cost and timelines, unintended consequences, and vulnerability, inclusion and diversity issues.
A SoW should include:
- A brief description of the drivers (see 4A Task 1) and implications for planning, including any specific mandatory projects.
- A summary justifying the prioritisation of the element (see 4A Task 3). This includes a summary of the socio-economic context in relation to the element, including key qualitative and quantitative information.
- The desired outcome(s) by element (i.e. what are we trying to achieve?), which drives the selection of specific projects (see 4A Task 3). The desired outcomes are typically long-term and should be linked to the drivers.
- A suitable approach to achieve the desired outcomes, including a theory of change process at the element level.
- Suitable delivery mechanisms to achieve the desired outcome. The types of delivery mechanisms are outlined in Table 4A.5.
- An indicative outline of any specific projects needed to achieve the desired outcome.
- An approach for exit and sustainability strategies to avoid creating dependency on the site.
- Indicative resourcing needs, including budget, staffing, and collaborations.
TABLE 4A.5 Delivery mechanisms