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Inclusive engagement is a critical element in data gathering, planning, prioritisation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation for SED initiatives.

Stakeholder engagement needs be conducted to: understand the development priorities of local community members, local and regional government and others; and explain the site’s SED prioritisation and planning process and its outcomes. Affected stakeholders should be engaged throughout the process. Affected communities should, through the Community Engagement Forum (CEF), provide input to and be involved of the eventual conclusions of the SED planning and prioritisation process, and then be regularly updated on the progress of SED project implementation and effectiveness, including evaluation findings and recommendations.

If requested by the community and not provided by the appropriate public authorities, the operating company shall provide third-party facilitation for mutually agreed upon experts to aid in the participatory process.

Some external stakeholders may try to direct SED benefits towards themselves or their group. In addition, formal consultations about SED planning and prioritisation may carry the risk that the site is not able to meet the expectations of all consulted stakeholders. Sites must take these sensitivities into account and conduct stakeholder engagement suitable to their circumstances.

Stakeholder engagement activities should be incorporated in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (see Section 3A). Should a CRD programme be operating in the region where the site is located, sites should engage with Group SED/CRD teams to ensure alignment and consideration of SED opportunities identified as part of CRD planning.

4A.2 Guidance | Plan
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4A Socio-Economic development (SED)  |  4A.2 Guidance  |  Plan