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The SED planning process is aimed at gathering SED-related context information, strategically prioritising elements of SED, and designing an approach for achieving the desired outcomes by element through specific SED projects.

Task 1 – Review context

Sites should gather SED-related information as part of the internal and external-context review, which is reviewed annually and updated every five years or more frequently if deemed appropriate. Table 4A.3 provides an overview of SED-related information that should be collected to inform the SED planning and element prioritisation.

TABLE 4A.3 SED context information

Internal-context information

  • Site Social and Human Rights Impact and Risk Analysis (SHIRA).
  • Site social commitments.
  • Activities and plans over the Life of Asset that may pose opportunities related to SED.
  • Internal resources available for SED planning and implementation.
  • Current local employment and local procurement data.
  • Group and BU-level and other SED-related commitments such as the Sustainable Mining Plan (see Section 2).

External context information

  • An overview of local, regional and national government development plans and priorities.
  • An assessment of the capacity and success of local authorities to achieve delivery of their mandate for service delivery.
  • A mapping of NGOs and development institutions active in the area of influence, including the outcomes they plan to achieve and the SED projects they are (planning on) implementing.

Section 2 on Review and Planning includes the following information relevant for SED planning:

  • Legal requirements for SED.
  • Area of Influence and Systemic vulnerability has been determined in Section 2.
  • Socio-economic baseline data, including baseline data for livelihoods, education, and health, has been collected as part of Section 2.
4A.2 Guidance | Plan
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4A Socio-Economic development (SED)  |  4A.2 Guidance  |  Plan