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Task 9 – Adjust

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The ACT phase incorporates corrective action, which should be taken based on M&E results, as needed.

Task 9 – Adjust

The results of M&E should inform any adjustments that need to be made at the SED project level and/or at the element level, including to the Theory of Change, the SoW, and the portfolio of SED projects. Changing the SED-related controls in SHIRA (see Section 3C) may also be necessary.

Box 4A.4 - Changing ongoing SED projects

With proper consideration of the context within which SED projects are initiated, and of how to sustain a project, changes to ongoing projects should be rare. However, monitoring and evaluation may show that certain ongoing SED projects no longer align with, fit within, or sufficiently contribute to SED priorities and desired outcomes. In such cases, sites should assess whether adjustments to the SED project can be made to improve alignment. Where this is not possible, sites should assess whether it is possible to close the SED project without damaging key stakeholder relations and/or expectations, or creating other risks. Such actions should involve consultations with the intended beneficiaries of the project. In the case of participatory monitoring, relevant external stakeholders will have been involved in the assessment process from the beginning, and might be more open to changes to the SED project. Where close-out is not possible, sites should document this, continue with the SED project as planned, and clarify the approach taken to the CEF (see Section 3A)

4A.2 Guidance | Act
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4A Socio-Economic development (SED)  |  4A.2 Guidance  |  Act