Forecasting population growth should include:
- A low- scenario, typically based on an estimated multiplier effect of 1 in-migrant per site worker.
- A high- scenario, typically based on an estimated multiplier effect of 4 or more in-migrants per site worker.
Official census data and other information such as satellite imagery can be used to develop population growth estimates.
The estimated size of the multiplier effect should be informed by comparable experiences, site accessibility, and socio-economic context. The size of the multiplier effect cannot be perfectly forecasted, nor can a site fully control the size of the multiplier effect.
The multiplier does not suggest that a site worker actually brings or takes in-migrants with him/her. Rather, the multiplier reflects the assumption that for every direct site job, several (real or perceived) indirect jobs and business opportunities are created (or are expected to be created) as a result of increased economic activity. These indirect jobs and business opportunities (whether real or perceived) attract in-migrants hoping to benefit.