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Based on the experience from other comparable sites or projects, history and current population movements and growth, the location of other current and planned sites or companies in the area, and stakeholder feedback, sites should assess where in the area of influence in-migrants are most likely to settle, or where out-migrants are most likely to settle. Where SIM is already occurring and ongoing, sites should identify where in-migrants or out-migrants have settled.

In general, in-migrants typically settle:

  • As close to the site’s fence or entry point as practically possible, as this may be perceived to increase the chance of site employment.
  • Along the site’s access road or the main road leading up to the site, as this may be perceived to increase opportunities for small trade due to the volume of passing traffic.
  • In the nearest serviced settlement (i.e. with a good level of public services and infrastructure), as this is likely where most indirect employment opportunities arise.
  • Near site recruitment or training centres, as this may be perceived to increase the chance of site employment.

The establishment of small trade stalls and shops can also be expected near site fences and along access or main roads.

SIM can also translate into population movements within the area of influence, for example where a site’s or sites’ location is concentrated in one area this may lead to a decrease in population in other areas in the area of influence as people move nearer to the site.

4G.2 Guidance | Plan
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4G Site-Induced migration (SIM)  |  4G.2 Guidance  |  Plan