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Where other large-scale sites or companies are located in comparable settings, sites should analyse SIM experienced by these sites or projects.

Information on the scale of SIM, its impacts, and effective and ineffective mitigation measures can be gathered through discussions with staff of other sites and companies, analysing media reports, official statistics, and GIS information (such as Google Maps).

Box 4G.3: Outsourcing

Depending on the context, an assessment of SIM (and the development of a SIM Management Plan) can be a time-consuming, resource-intensive and technically complex process. It may involve some degree of out-sourcing to consultants.

Section 1 provides more detail on the use of consultants in social performance.

4G.2 Guidance | Plan
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4G Site-Induced migration (SIM)  |  4G.2 Guidance  |  Plan