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The DO phase includes incorporating security-related risks and potential social and human rights impacts into SHIRA/the Baseline WRAC, and includes guidance on controls for security management, including contractual language, training of security staff, working with public security forces, and responding to requests for equipment transfers.

Task 4 – Update SHIRA

Drawing on the information collected in Task 1, 2, and 3, Security and Social Performance should work together to identify potential security-related impacts and risks, particularly in relation to:

  • Threats to site staff
  • Protests against the site, and the cause of these protests
  • Security response to theft of site property and illegal occupation or use of Anglo American owned or leased land
  • Conflict within and between communities, and social disturbances
  • Organised crime
  • Local community trust in, and perceptions of, the site and public and private security forces
  • Presence of public security in local communities
  • Accountability of public security forces
  • Abuses in the judicial system, including unfair detention
  • Intimidation and harassment of local communities
  • Involvement of site staff in illegal or inappropriate activity
  • Confrontations with public and private security providers
  • Checkpoints impeding access to areas important to local communities
  • Disrespectful behaviour by private security providers arising from cultural differences
  • Harassment of individuals opposed to the mine, including by other community members who may be in favour of the mine

Task 5, Task 6, Task 7, and Task 8 include an overview of controls to prevent, minimize or mitigate security-related impacts and risks. Task 5 and Task 6 are mandatory for sites using or procuring private security services, Task 7 is mandatory for sites using public security, and Task 8 is mandatory for all sites that receive requests for equipment transfers. Even though Task 5, Task 6, Task 7, and Task 8 are mandatory as applicable, the controls included in the Tasks should be implemented commensurate to the level of risk and impact and relevant to the issues identified in the local context.

Box 3E.3 Incident and Grievance management

Security-related incidents and grievances lodged by local community members should be handled according to the guidance provided in Section 3B on Incident and Grievance Management and should be used to inform the SHIRA.

In the event of an allegation of a human rights abuse by public security forces related or linked to a site, the following additional actions should be taken beyond those outlined in 3B:

  1. Report the allegation to the Business Unit (BU) CEO and Head of Corporate Affairs (or equivalent), copied to Group Social Performance and Legal.
  2. Collect all relevant documents concerning the relationship with the accused party, including internal and external context information (see 4E.2 Task 2 and 3).
  3. Collect information about the incident from key stakeholders.
  4. Assess the credibility of the allegation. If not credible, then a formal response should be communicated to interested parties and all relevant documentation should be retained. If credible, proceed to step 5.
  5. Do not engage directly with the accused party (or his/her superior). Do not seek recourse at the local level and ensure that at all times the identity of the accused party and sources of information are protected.
  6. In discussion with the BU and Group SP, determine how the allegation / incident should be reported to external stakeholders, such as police, the relevant embassy, the national human rights office, or other authorities.
  7. Consider the ability of local judicial bodies to handle the allegation in an impartial and practical manner.
  8. Monitor any publicly conducted investigation into the alleged abuse.
  9. Report developments in the investigation of the allegation to the BU and Group SP.

Security-related risks and impacts and the approach to managing these risks and impacts should be incorporated in the SMP and in the Security Management Plan as appropriate (see 4E.2 Task 9).

4E.2 Guidance | Do
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4E Security management and the voluntary principles on security and human rights (VPSHR)  |  4E.2 Guidance  |  Do