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4F.3 Management and resources

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Internal lines of accountability

Table 4F. 1 Roles and responsibilities in managing LADAR

GROUP InvestCo/Group CR Director​
  • Tracks resettlements included in the pipeline
  • Approves the initiation of new resettlement projects and any related capital requirements
  • Approves the scope of review by GIA
  • Stage-gate approvals
Group Investment Assurance (GIA)
  • Conducts Investment Assurance and make recommendations to InvestCo
Resettlement Principal
  • Advises on potential resettlements to be included in the pipeline
  • Provides input into strategic decisions to proactively relocate communities
  • Represents Group on the Resettlement SteerCom
  • Provides advice and input to operation and project teams on how to meet standards and requirements relating to LADAR
  • Makes recommendations regarding the level of assurance of resettlement projects and on the scope of GIA reviews where resettlement is being covered
BUSINESS UNIT Executive Committee (ExCo)
  • For each resettlement project, undertakes scheduling and budget approvals, considers escalated issues and potential risks associated with the resettlement ​
  • Considers proposals to proactively relocate communities and makes a recommendation to InvestCo/Group CR Director
Head of Corporate Affairs/Relations
  • Alongside Group SP, makes recommendations to InvestCo regarding resettlements to be included in the pipeline
  • Provides advice on national legislation and regulations pertaining to LADAR
  • Acts as contact point with regional and national authorities
  • Chairs/represents on the Resettlement SteerCom
  • Accountable for the implementation and delivery of the DMP while managed by a project team (as opposed to the site team)
BU SP Lead/Manager
  • Assists in the identification of potential resettlements to be included in the pipeline and makes recommendation to the Head of Corporate Affairs
  • Provides input into strategic decisions to proactively relocate communities
  • Oversees the development of the land access and displacement strategy, updating of SHIRA, and development of a displacement framework
  • Provides input into resettlements for inclusion in the pipeline and strategic decisions to proactively relocate communities
  • Engages Security/Protection Services to secure and maintain land access
  • Ensures participation of a suitable operations team representative on the Resettlement SteerCom
RELEVANT FUNCTIONS Legal (including teams responsible for land transactions and acquisitions)
  • Ensures compliance and manages legal liabilities
  • Provides guidance on the legal framework around LADAR in a given context
  • Reviews and approves any agreements or MOUs with other stakeholders
  • Investigates land right claims not recognisable under national law
  • Actively involved in securing and maintaining land access
  • Provides guidance in cases where legal eviction is required
Government Relations
  • Supports the resettlement process through liaising with relevant government counterparts on the resettlement approach
  • Engages and collaborates with relevant government stakeholders where appropriate and required for the implementation of the DMP
  • Drafts and develops agreements or MOUs with government authorities where required
Mine/Asset Planning
  • Collaborates with other Functions to avoid or minimise displacement
  • Provides input into strategic decisions to proactively relocate communities
Strategic Planning
  • Collaborates with other Functions to avoid or minimise displacement
  • Provides input into strategic decision to proactively relocate communities
  • Collaborates with other Functions to avoid or minimise displacement
  • Provides input into strategic decision to proactively relocate communities
Project Management
  • Supports the development and implementation of a PMF for each resettlement project
Data Protection Team
  • Advises the project team regarding data privacy laws and regulations
  • Keeps abreast of all matters relating to LADAR
  • Facilitates cross-functional collaboration
Security/Protection Services
  • Collaborates with the resettlement project team to enforce the cut-off date
  • Provides input into the land access and displacement strategy, particularly regarding risks and impacts, and M&E processes
  • Provides support with preventing or addressing land invasions, securing land and maintaining land access as appropriate.
  • If required, provides support for the resettlement project team in the event of legal eviction
Safety, Health and Environment
  • Provides input into the land access and displacement strategy, particularly regarding risks and impacts, and M&E processes
  • Collaborates with other Functions to avoid or minimise displacement
  • Provides input into the land access and displacement strategy, particularly regarding risks and impacts, and M&E processes
  • Collaborates with other Functions to avoid or minimise displacement
  • Accountable for the land access and displacement strategy and displacement framework
  • Designates representatives from relevant disciplines to support the resettlement project team
  • Supports the development of the DMP
  • Accountable for the implementation and delivery of the DMP while managed by the operations team (as opposed to the project team), including M&E, compliance reviews, close-out audits and reporting (4F.2 Guidance, Tasks 10-13)
  • Keeps abreast of all matters relating to LADAR
PROJECT LEVEL Resettlement SteerCom
  • Oversees the development and implementation of the DMP
  • Provides first tier governance and decision-making for a resettlement project​ from Task 7 to Task 9 (4F.2 Guidance)
  • Approves the ToR for the resettlement project (see 4F.2 Guidance, Task 7)
  • Makes recommendations regarding and requests concerning the resettlement to the BU ExCo
  • Oversees M&E, compliance reviews, close-out audits and reporting (see 4F.2 Guidance, Tasks 10-13).
Resettlement Project Team
  • Conducts scoping, establishes a resource plan and management framework, develops RSEP, and develops, operationalises and implements the DMP (see 4F.2 Guidance, Tasks 4-9)
  • Coordinates and provides regular updates to the Resettlement SteerCom​
4.Impact and risk prevention and management | 4F Land Access, displacement and resettlement
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4F Land Access, displacement and resettlement