Types of displacement
In addition to voluntary and involuntary, it is important to distinguish between two types of displacement:
- Physical displacement is the loss of houses, dwellings or shelter and entails the relocation of households to an alternative location given the need to access the land or potential sustained impacts on the community.
- Economic displacement is the loss of assets (including land), or the loss of access to assets that results in the loss of income or means of livelihood. While physical and economic displacement usually go hand in hand, in some cases households can be economically displaced without being physically displaced.
Both physical and economic displacement can be either permanent or temporary:
- Permanent displacement occurs when displaced households are not able to return to or make use of the land from which they are displaced within a reasonable period such that there is no material impact on their socio-economic well-being and as appropriate to the context.
- Temporary displacement occurs when a household’s access to their home or means of livelihood is disrupted for a short period of time, typically not longer than a year but it could be as short as few days. Additionally, there are no sustained impacts resulting from the temporary displacement that would alter post-displacement conditions. To manage expectations of local communities and be precise in describing the impact, temporary displacement should be referred to as disturbance.
As per 5, persons eligible for inclusion in a resettlement or livelihood restoration process include households and land users with a variety of tenure circumstances and occupying/utilising the land to be accessed or impacted on prior to the cut-off date. These tenure circumstances include the following:
- Those who have formal legal rights to the land and/or assets they use and/or occupy;
- Those who do not have formal legal rights but who have a claim recognisable under national law over the land and/or assets they use and/or occupy; and
- Those who do not have a recognisable legal right or claim to the land and/or assets they use and/or occupy. This includes informal or opportunistic settlers who reside in the resettlement-affected area prior to the cut-off date and customary land users.
Eligibility for compensation or resettlement assistance should take the type of tenure arrangement into consideration. For instance, those who do not have a recognisable legal right or claim to the land and/or assets they use and/or occupy may not be eligible for compensation for the land they use/occupy, but (depending on context) may be eligible for livelihood restoration and compensation for fixed assets established on the land. This excludes opportunistic settlers and speculators who encroach on to the land after the cut-off date.
Claims recognisable under national law should be verified through a legal process, as dictated by the local context. Table 4F. 7 (see 4F.4 Tools and guidance notes) provides a list of scenarios that may result in displacement, categorised according to the tenure arrangements listed above.
Different are required depending on the type of displacement:
- Permanent physical displacement requires a , inclusive of a plan to address livelihood restoration of the displaced households.
- Permanent economic displacement requires a , which is comparable to a but applicable in cases where there is no physical displacement.
- Temporary physical and economic displacement requires a Land Access Procedure ().
- Where a close-out audit of a or finds that the process deviated significantly from good practice standards, a Remedial (Corrective) Plan is required.
In the case of commercial land transactions, an impact assessment or due diligence must be conducted to determine whether the transaction may result in displacement impacts. The voluntary sale of a property by the landowner could result in the involuntary displacement of the landowner’s employees and/or other land users. If it does, the appropriate is required.
Resettlement triggers
There are several possible triggers for permanent displacement. The most common ones are:
- When households are living on or using land required for mining/processing purposes or within buffer zones.
- When households could be expected to experience significant or sustained health and safety impacts, or cumulative effects from the impacts, attributable to the activities of, infrastructure for and presence of the site.
Identifying permanent displacement is not always a simple task and requires thorough consideration with a long-term (more than 10 years) view. Even if a site does not cause physical displacement, it may inadvertently cause economic displacement. The displacement may be along the outskirts of the site’s Area of Influence and may only materialise in the future. Understanding the external context is therefore key to identifying displacement impacts. Similarly, displacement impacts must be considered even if the site or business unit (BU) has legal rights over the land it needs to access.
Disturbance (temporary displacement) is triggered by short-term land access needs at any stage of the lifecycle. During Discovery, for example, drilling activities may result in disturbance of agricultural land. During Construction, it may result from temporary laydown areas and, in Operation, periodic maintenance or temporary rerouting of access roads may cause disturbance. If the activity requiring short-term land access results in significant impacts adversely affecting the post-disturbance environment (for example, grazing land that cannot be fully rehabilitated once construction is completed), the displacement must be treated as permanent.
Resettlement timing
The identification of displacement impacts and their management by means of a are long-lead items. The physical land area that will be affected is ideally vacated before it is required for mining purposes or before the impact causing displacement begins to occur. To enable this, the following timelines are recommended:
- Displacement impacts must be scoped five to eight years before land access is required (4F.2 Guidance, Task 4);
- Detailed resettlement planning (4F.2 Guidance, Task 7) must start four to seven years before land access is required; and
- Resettlement implementation must commence one to three years before land access is required (4F.2 Guidance, Task 9).
These timelines are recommended minimums; however, it is acknowledged that adherence to the timelines may not always be feasible or necessary. Small uncomplicated resettlements may require less time, and for larger resettlements, strategies such as phased land access can be employed to reduce timelines. Operations and project teams must seek guidance from Group in instances where the recommended timelines cannot be adhered to.
Managing accessed land
Securing and maintaining land access after obtaining the legal right and social licence to do so is both critical and challenging; it requires a predetermined strategy, ongoing cross-functional collaboration and is time and resource-intensive. Failing to prevent unauthorised land use in an area that has been accessed for a specific business purpose is a significant risk and may result in impacts, including additional displacement. The most common threats to maintaining land access are listed in Table 4F. 1, alongside potential prevention and mitigation measures for each.
Table 4F. 1 Threats to securing and maintaining land access and potential management strategies
Resettlements as capital projects
All resettlement projects within Anglo American are treated as capital investment projects and follow the governance as set out in the . Specifically:
- a pipeline of potential future resettlement is monitored by ;
- resettlement projects must adhere to the ;
- /Group Director of Corporate Relations (CR) must approve the scope of review by Group Investment Assurance (GIA) or other delegated assurance body, and ensure that the appropriate assurance has been undertaken by an assessor with the suitable expertise; and
- stage-gate approval of the resettlement process by or the Group Director of .
Formal mechanisms to identify potential future resettlement projects and initiate resettlement investigations are as follows:
- through the investment assurance process from a mining capital project; or
- through a proposal from Group or -level to for consideration, based on the site’s land access and displacement strategy (see Section 4F.2 Guidance, Task 1).
Once identified, resettlement projects are categorised according to the phases listed below, and progress through these phases by means of stage-gate reviews:
- Pre-concept: the resettlement may be required in the long-term (more than 10 years in the future) and is included in the site’s land access and displacement strategy. The purpose is to document the potential future resettlement to ensure that relevant parameters (such as land use on and influx into to-be-accessed land) are monitored over time. If the displacement impact can be avoided, pre-concept resettlements will not progress into Phase 1; progression into Phase 1 is triggered by the nature and timing of mining activity and associated impacts and by means of the formal mechanisms mentioned above.
- Phase 1 – Scoping and framing: the initial scope of and indicative approach to a potential resettlement is defined to inform the decision about whether the resettlement is indeed required and desirable from a business perspective. No engagement with the potentially displaced households is required for completion of this phase. This phase typically aligns with the Concept and Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) A stage.
- Phase 2 – Resettlement planning: if there is a high degree of confidence that a resettlement project is required, robust planning is undertaken during this phase. Potentially displaced households are engaged in a participatory planning process which includes negotiations about compensation, replacement land and/or housing, livelihood restoration and other aspects of the resettlement process. Failure to complete the resettlement after commencement of this phase may have significant negative consequences for both the community and the business. This phase typically aligns with the PFS-B stage.
- Phase 3 – Resettlement implementation readiness: resettlement planning documentation is operationalised during this phase, in preparation for implementation during the execution phase. This phase typically aligns with the Feasibility Study stage (FS).
Stage-gate reviews are carried out in accordance with the and Investment Assurance Guidelines and are supported by this Toolkit. As per the requirements, a Post-Investment Review () is completed after the commencement of implementation of a resettlement project (see 4F.2 Guidance, Task 9).