Tasks 1 to 3 are undertaken at site-level and are the responsibility of the operations team (with inputs from and co-ordination with other Functions, and support from Group, and/or external resettlement consultants as required). Task 1 involves the identification of potential future resettlement projects; some sites may require only one resettlement project, but there will be instances where a site will have two or more resettlement projects that need to take place in different areas and at different times in the site’s lifecycle.
Tasks 4 and onwards are undertaken separately for each individual resettlement project; it is possible that the same site may be simultaneously engaged in different tasks for separate resettlement projects. Task 4 (detailed scoping of the resettlement project) up to Task 9 (implementation of the ) will be managed by a resettlement project team, with support from the operations team. During Task 9, once households have been relocated and assets compensated or replaced as agreed, the responsibility for the remaining implementation activities and tasks (Tasks 10 to 13) reverts to the operations team.