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Task 11 – Adjust

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To ensure that the site’s EMP and associated procedures remain current, they should be reviewed and updated at least quarterly to ensure appropriate contact information is relevant.

Additional triggers for reviewing and updating of the EMP to ensure emergency scenarios and responses remain relevant include:

  • Regulatory changes;
  • Findings from desktop, functional and full-scale exercises/ simulations (Task 9);
  • Findings from Task 10 evaluation exercise;
  • Findings and lessons learned from near miss or actual emergencies from the industry or from similar sites within the area or within Anglo American;
  • Material changes such as expansion of the mine and/or its associated facilities;
  • The use of new transport routes;
  • A new community being potentially affected;
  • Significant changes in the external context, including the vulnerability, location, or size of potentially affected communities;
  • A significant change in the organisation, capacity or resources of key emergency providers or other key stakeholders; and
  • The development of new industry in the vicinity of the mine.

Recovery planning and implementation is part of Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that is central to emergency management. It is informed through engagement with internal and external stakeholders, and the considerations of lessons learned.

4D.2 Guidance | Act
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4D Emergency Management Planning for Site-Induced Emergencies with Off-Site Impacts  |  4D.2 Guidance  |  Act