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A CFP is a site-specific procedure detailing the steps to be followed if a previously unknown heritage resource is discovered. Normally the CFP should be developed as part of the CHMP; however, sites not requiring a CHMP will develop a stand-alone CFP.

Most chance finds will occur during the Construction or Operations phase of an asset, and will likely be discovered by contractors, sub-contractors or other technical staff. Awareness of the CFP amongst all teams is essential and should be incorporated into staff and contractor inductions.

The CFP should include:

  • Record-keeping and expert verification procedures
  • Criteria for temporary work stoppages that may be required to allow for rapid disposition of issues related to the finds
  • Chain-of-custody instructions for movable finds
  • When finds are moved, who handles them, who catalogues them, and where their final resting place should be
  • Roles, responsibilities and response times of project staff and the competent authority in dealing with the find; and
  • Agreed consultation procedures in the event of a chance find.

An example CFP is included in Tools (see 4H.4 Tools). Figure 4H.2 provides a summary of the main steps:

Chance Find Procedure

FIGURE 4H.2 Chance Find Procedure

4H.2 Guidance | Do
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4H Cultural heritage  |  4H.2 Guidance  |  Do