Internal lines of accountability Table 4J.5 lays out typical internal roles and responsibilities in managing conflict. Table 4J.5 Internal roles and responsibilities in managing conflict COMPANY LEVEL PERSON ROLE GROUP Group Social Performance Principal Provides advice and input on how to fulfil and implement the conflict-management approach BUSINESS UNIT Head of Corporate Affairs and/or Government Relations Manager/ Acts as contact point with regional and national authorities (where relevant) Provides guidance on relevant legislation and regulations concerning conflict-management approaches Co-ordinates planning with regional authorities where relevant Receives regular updates through quarterly reports SITE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE TEAM SP Manager Facilitates coordination with BU Oversees conflict analysis Oversees conflict sensitivity and capacity self-assessment Participates in internal and external engagements as needed Provides guidance for and reviews the CMP Reviews monitoring and evaluation results Reports on conflict management at SPMC meetings, as required. Designated Conflict Management co-ordinator (may not be stand-alone role) Co-ordinating role in: Data collection Collates internal and external context information Consults stakeholders to assess potential impacts Planning Assesses potential and actual conflict-related impacts Co-ordinates with HoDs on key impacts and prevention and mitigation measures Engages relevant stakeholders on key impacts and prevention and mitigation measures Develops and updates the CMP Confirms actions together with HoDs Implementation Undertakes engagements related to conflict management Oversees implementation of the CMP Monitoring Reporting Tracks impacts and risks and associated controls related to conflict Adapts CMP, based on monitoring results and community feedback Provides reports of to GM, SPMC, HoDs and BU RELEVANT FUNCTIONS Human Resources, Supply Chain Implements relevant controls related to conflict triggers associated with hiring and procurement Security and Protection Services Implements relevant controls related to conflict, protest and violence Environment Implements relevant controls related to conflict triggers associated with actual or perceived environmental impacts SITE HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Heads of Departments, especially: Supply chain Engineering/Operations Human resources Security S&SD Supports development of CMP Oversees contractors Prioritises local procurement and hiring Adapts project design/site activities to minimise conflict or impacts of conflict Liaises with local police on security measures and responses Tracks impacts on biodiversity, natural resources and the environment that could be triggers for conflict SITE MANAGEMENT General manager and Social Performance Management Committee Ensures cross-departmental co-ordination Ensures delivery of CMP