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Task 3 ‒ Update SHIRA

Based on the results of Task 1 and 2 and the internal and external-context review (see Section 2), sites should assess conflict-related impacts and risks, and associated prevention and mitigation measures, as part of Social and Human Rights Impact and Risk Analysis (SHIRA).

Conflict-related risks and impacts and the approach to managing these risks and impacts should be incorporated in the Conflict Management Plan (see 4J Guidance, Task 5 ) and the Social Management Plan (SMP), as appropriate (see Section 2).

Further examples of conflict-related risks and impacts that can apply to sites in a context of conflict are included in Table 4J.2. Tailored responses to these impacts should be developed on a case by case basis, based on a thorough understanding of all dimensions of the conflict within the context.

Table 4J.2 Example of potential impacts and risks related to conflict

Impact category Potential impact
  • Population groups conflict with each other over access to local power structures. Site employment and procurement processes result in significantly higher employment rates of one population group compared to another population group, thereby aggravating the existing conflict in the community.
Personal and political security
  • Exclusion/lack of participation of youth in site engagement activities in a local context with high youth-unemployment rates results in youth not feeling respected and heard by the site, manifesting itself in violent riots directed at the site.
Socio-cultural networks
  • Site-induced migration disrupts traditional leadership structure as non-local in-migrants do not respect local traditional leaders, causing conflict between locals and in-migrants
Community health and safety
  • Non-resettled household members set fire to the resettlement houses of resettled households because of disagreement over resettlement benefits, including resettlement houses that are more luxurious than the houses of non-resettled households.
Risk category Risk
  • Damage to the reputation of Anglo American related to its association with conflict, evidenced by coverage of the conflict in national and international newspapers.
  • Threats and/or injury to site staff conducting activities in the community, caused by opposing party to a conflict with the site.
  • Increased operational costs owing to increased protection infrastructure, including the installation of security equipment and increase in the number of security staff needed to protect the site.
  • Failure to achieve production targets owing to violent protests disrupting planned (expansion) activities or production.
  • Lawsuit against Anglo American for allegedly colluding with one party to a conflict.
4J.2 Guidance | Do
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4J Conflict management  |  4J.2 Guidance  |  Do