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Task 6 - Monitor and evaluate

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Task 6 – Monitor and evaluate

A monitoring and evaluation framework should be developed for conflict-related impact and risk mitigation. As part of SHIRA, the implementation of controls should be monitored, and their effectiveness evaluated, so that corrective action can be taken where needed. An example is provided in Table 4J.4.

Long-term objectives identified as part of Review and Planning (see Section 2) may also relate to conflict management, in which case a monitoring and evaluation framework should also be developed to track progress against the long-term objectives (see Section 2).

Table 4J.4 Example KPIs

Potential impact/risk Controls Target Control owner Timeline Inputs Implementation check Outputs Outcomes Effectiveness/ impact of the control/project
Describe the potential impact/risk List the controls What are we trying to achieve? List Function responsible for the control Date the control should start and be competed Human and financial resources needed to implement the control How do we know that the controls are being implemented? Outputs produced Changes that have occurred as a result of control ‒ include sources of verification Value and success in managing the impact ‒ include sources of verification
Example: Risk of business disruption due toprotest as stakeholders no longer participate in conventional site stakeholder engagement activities owing to perceptions of adverse site impacts (conflict trigger). Process of mediation Zero business disruption due to community protest.
Attendance and active participation by stakeholders in regular engagement meetings.
Social Performance and Legal Start/ end date Staff time spent in mediation process

$ of venue and any materials to support mediation process

$ for mediator
Records of mediation, mediation meeting minutes Signed mediation agreement Agreement is being implemented by both parties

Verification: Independent review by mediator/ other independent party.
Meeting minutes show both parties are satisfied that agreement is being implemented.
Regular engagement between site and community re-established.

No protests.

Verification: incident and grievance register; meeting minutes show participation of local community members in site-engagement activities.
4J.2 Guidance | Check
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4J Conflict management  |  4J.2 Guidance  |  Check