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4K.3 Management and resources

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Internal lines of accountability

Table 4K.8 lays out typical internal roles and responsibilities in managing ASM.

Table 4K.8 Internal roles and responsibilities in managing ASM

GROUP Group Social Performance
  • Provides advice and input on how to meet standards and requirements relating to sites’ interactions with ASM
  • Provides input into selecting the appropriate management approach

BUSINESS UNIT Government Relations Manager/ Head of Corporate Affairs/Relations
  • Provides advice on national legislation and regulations around ASM
  • Acts as contact point with regional and national authorities
  • Receives regular updates through quarterly reports
  • Ensures appropriate capacity and expertise is available to site
  • Provides input into selecting the appropriate management approach

  • Is responsible for overseeing the ASM assessment, risk and impact assessment, stakeholder engagement and development of the ASM Management Plan
  • Is responsible for overseeing the monitoring and evaluation, as well as the reporting
  • Is responsible for ensuring compliance and managing legal liabilities
  • Provides guidance on the legal framework around ASM in a given context
  • Provides input into selecting the appropriate management approach
  • Reviews and approves any agreements or MOUs with other stakeholders

Government Relations
  • Is responsible for liaising with relevant Government counterparts on the approach taken towards ASM
  • Engages and collaborates with relevant Government stakeholders where appropriate and required for the implementation of the ASM Management Plan
  • Drafts and develops agreements or MOUs with Government authorities where required
SITE HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Social Performance Management Committee, or sub-committee on ASM
  • Accountable for the development and implementation of the ASM Management Plan
Security and Protection Services
  • Is responsible for implementing security-related measures of the ASM management plan
  • Provides input into the ASM assessment, the risk and impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation processes
Health, Safety and Environment
  • Is responsible for implementing HSE-related measures of the ASM management plan
  • Provides input into the ASM assessment, the risk and impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation processes
Operations/Mining/ Geology/ Supply Chain/ Finance
  • Provides input into the ASM assessment, the risk and impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation processes, especially if approaches 4-6 are selected
  • Designates representatives from relevant departments to support SP team on ASM management
  • Supports the development of the ASM Management Plan
  • Accountable for the implementation and delivery of the ASM Management Plan
  • Ensures appropriate human and financial resources for the implementation of the ASM Management Plan
  • Accountable for delivery of the commitments to achieve the Group Sustainability Strategy.
4.Impact and risk prevention and management | 4K Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4K Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)