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Task 7 - Develop an ASM management plan

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Where potential and/or actual ASM-related impacts and risks are significant, sites should develop an ASM Management Plan. A stand-alone ASM Management Plan ensures continued focus on and a comprehensive approach to ASM management. The ASM Management Plan should outline the site’s broad approach to ASM management and implementation plan including the concrete activities, measures and controls put in place.

An outline for an ASM Management Plan is provided in Tools. The ASM Management Plan should be revised annually. Key ASM-related impacts and risks should be included in the SMP. Sites may choose to include the ASM Management Plan as an Annex to the SMP.

Table 4K.6 sets out examples of concrete activities, measures and controls for ASM management.

Table 4K.6 – examples of activities, measures and controls for ASM management

A. Internal management systems
  • A governance structure related to ASM management, e.g. an ASM Working Group or Sub-committee
  • Internal procedures for daily business related to ASM. This could include systems, guidelines and processes relating to:
    • Security measures to protect the site, guidelines on arrest and detention, including of minors and women
    • Confiscation of ASM tools/equipment
    • Chain of custody for ore
    • Guidelines for staff if there is presence of ASM around machinery
    • ASM tunnel/pit refilling procedure
  • Internal procedures for emergencies related to ASM, for example, emergency response plans for sudden ASM influx, pit wall instability caused by or potentially affecting ASM workings, environmental management contingency plans
  • Guidelines for first aid and how to deal with (ASM) injuries and fatalities that are not employees or contractors but happen on the concession area
B. Community health and safety related measures Measures to improve health and safety in ASM, and to address health, safety and environmental impacts by ASM on communities as part of efforts to address health risks affecting the general population. This can include:
  • General awareness raising on health and safety dangers in ASM (including community health)
  • Training or investment in SHE measures in ASM
  • Addressing social issues such as child labour, forced labour, drug abuse, etc
C. SED-related measures SED measures to improve ASM livelihoods (off-site in alternative zones, or on-site, depending on the model/approach chosen). Ideally this is aligned with the Government’s plan or policy around ASM formalisation and conducted in collaboration with the Government. This can include:
  • Skills development, training and capacity building on improved and safer ASM mining and processing methods. This can be done through a third party or by site, BU or Group employees who provide knowledge and expertise regarding SHE, geological expertise, mining and production methods, etc
  • Enterprise development and organisational capacity building – supporting better organisation of ASM groups and facilitating formalisation
  • External capacity development: Building the capacity of government agencies responsible for managing, formalising and overseeing the ASM sector
  • Supporting better access to responsible supply chains/markets and finance
  • Supporting alternative livelihoods outside of ASM

The effective implementation of the ASM Management Plan likely requires collaboration with a range of external stakeholders, including the government and NGOs. To enable successful collaboration, sites should consider establishing formal agreements or MOUs with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

4K.2 Guidance | Do
4.Impact and risk prevention and management  |  4K Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)  |  4K.2 Guidance  |  Do