Indicators that help site leadership teams recognise whether a social performance team may be insufficiently resourced include:
- The team is preoccupied by 'fire-fighting' and is not able to take a long-term, proactive approach to building and maintaining community relationships;
- If the team has fallen behind in maintaining consultation logs and management reporting of common engagement themes;
- If the team is overly focused on demanding external stakeholders, at the expense of spending time internally to raise awareness of social performance and to understand the engagement priorities of other departments;
- If social impacts recorded in the site's risk register are not regularly reviewed and updated;
- If monitoring of social and human rights impact management is not undertaken and/or no corrective actions have been taken even when issues are highlighted;
- If monitoring and evaluation of impact mitigation measures and programmes/projects are not conducted;
- If a site is continuing to fail to deliver on its long term objectives and / or strategic social performance outcomes; and
- If lessons learnt from social incident and grievance management are not recorded and communicated as learning opportunities with site leadership.
1 Gerrits, Lasse and Verweij, Stefan and (2018) The Evaluation of Complex Infrastructure Projects: A Guide to Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Available at: [Accessed December 2019]