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The Social Way Toolkit
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The activities and behaviours of the whole site, including contractors, will influence whether the site achieves a lasting, positive contribution to local communities. Table 1.1 includes some of the contributions each function or team can potentially make to the Social Way.

Table 1.1 Contribution by Function to social performance

Function/Team Potential contribution to delivering a lasting, positive contribution to local communities
Social Performance
  • Leads engagement with affected and/or interested community stakeholders, including community-based organisations.
  • Raises awareness internally and with contractors of social impacts and opportunities, and promotes (but is not solely responsible for) impact and risk identification, management, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Coordinates implementation of a site's socio-economic development programmes.
  • Monitors and evaluates efficiency and effectiveness of site social performance activities against stated objectives.
  • Promotes engagement and communication with internal and external stakeholders and supports planning and executing engagement processes.
  • Helps to develop and disseminate internal and external communications materials to promote information sharing.
  • Considers potential social and human rights impacts and risks and manages process to define appropriate controls.
Safety and sustainable development
  • Identifies, assesses and manages safety, health and environmental (SHE) impacts of current and planned activities on local communities.
  • SHE teams may lead on community health initiatives; e.g. community road traffic safety, in co-ordination with the Social Performance team, and on community aspects of emergency preparedness and response planning.
  • Environmental teams will play a critical role in monitoring and evaluating potential community health and safety impacts and in developing and implementing participatory monitoring processes.
  • May participate in incident investigation (as relevant).
Government relations
  • Leads engagement with elected and appointed government representatives of community stakeholders.
  • Has a role in ensuring consistency of key messages on matters affecting local communities and as a conduit for hearing community concerns and issues.
Human resources
  • HR function will advertise roles, define hiring practices and distribution of employment, support local training / skills and capacity development, set terms of employment across the Area of Influence.
  • HR funciton implement measures to respect labour rights (i.e. International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and relevant national legislation), and manage employee grievances.
Supply chain
  • Supply Chain, in co-ordination with the Social Performance team, will define socially material contracts and set approaches for impact management.
  • Supplier development activities will require integration with Supply Chain and Social Performance teams.
  • Security may be a point of contact for community members that come to our site entraces or onto our property and the behaviour of Security personnel will have a significant influence on how Anglo American is perceived by communities. Security is responsible for ensuring that security is managed in accordance with the guidance laid out in Section 4E.
Discovery teams
  • Discovery (exploration) teams will often be the first source of impacts, both positive and negative, experienced by local communities. The approach taken by Discovery teams will have a longstanding influence on how stakeholders perceive Anglo American.
Project teams
  • Capital projects can generate significant negative and positive impacts for community stakeholders. Project management teams will be responsible, with support from qualified social performance staff, for ensuring potential social and human rights impacts and risks are identified and managed appropriately.
  • Sites are expected to follow an integrated approach to mine closure, as outlined in Anglo American's Mine Closure Toolkit (see Mine Closure Toolkit, V3.0). A dedicated closure team may be brought in at the end of the asset lifecycle to manage closure activities.
  • During closure phase the closure team must manage impacts appropriately. This requires engagement with stakeholders to reduce the negative impacts of social transition for the workforce and communities, and improve the legacy of benefits from mining activities.
Contract owners
  • Anglo American contract owners will contribute to delivering lasting, positive contributions to local communities through ensuring their contractor meets the commitments detailed in their Social Performance Plan and efficiently responding to grievances received through implementation of corrective actions.

The following questions provide a guide to identifying opportunities for improved integration of social performance across site activities:

  1. How clearly are accountabilities for implementing the Social Way requirements understood by Site Leadership and Heads of Department? Are performance metrics clear?
  2. Do social performance objectives support the Life of Asset Plan and operational/project priorities?
  3. Are existing management systems addressing social impacts? Are control measures cross-functional, and is effectiveness of implementation (outputs and outcomes) being monitored?
  4. Are community engagement roles and responsibilities clearly defined between Anglo American and any contractors, particularly at Discovery and Project Development stage? If contractors are engaging with communities, are there formal mechanisms to allow consistency of key messages and that feedback is recorded and reported back to Anglo American?
  5. Does the social performance team contain people with the appropriate skills to influence, negotiate and communicate within the site organisation, as well as ‘outside the fence’?
  6. Do other functions take ownership for relevant grievances and for implementation of remedial action?
  7. Does the GM demonstrate awareness and willingness to communicate with site employees, contractors and interested external stakeholders on the site’s long-term objectives, including social performance objectives?
  8. Is social performance knowledge shared across key functions within the site and BU e.g. in relation to grievance management?


1 International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) (2019) Integrated mine closure. Available at: https://www.icmm.com/en-gb/society-and-the-economy/mine-closure/planning-for-integrated-mining-closure [Accessed December 2019]

1.Governance | 1.2 Leadership and culture
1.Governance  |  1.2 Leadership and culture