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Task 1 – Develop a Grievance Management Procedure

The grievance management procedure should detail the grievance process. Guidance for designing the grievance process is outlined in the ‘Do’ section of this guidance. The grievance process should be designed to follow the effectiveness criteria for grievance mechanisms outlined in the UNGPs (see 3B.2 Task 2).

The grievance management procedure is an internal document that outlines, at a minimum:

  • The channels through which external stakeholders can submit a grievance.
  • The process, timelines, and roles and responsibilities for:
    • screening grievances received
    • recording grievances received, including where the grievances will be recorded (in which system or register)
    • responding to grievances received
    • categorising grievances received and assigning a consequence rating
    • internal notification of grievances received and internal reporting on grievance management.
  • The Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, including Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the grievance process.
  • The roles and responsibilities for resolving a grievance, including management sign-off, and a description of the appeals mechanism in place should the complainant be unwilling to accept the proposed resolution.

Box 3B.3 State-based judicial and non-judicial mechanisms

Site-level social incident and grievance mechanisms are not a substitute for state-based mechanisms

Site procedures should make it explicit that site-level mechanisms are not the only means of accessing remedy: affected stakeholders should be provided with information on alternative mechanisms; state and non-state based.

  • Any standardised forms used for registering and following up on grievances with the complainant. These might include:
    • A registration form detailing the nature of the grievance, the date it was received, and the complainant's contact information and signature.
    • A close-out form for resolved grievances, describing the measure(s) taken to resolve the issue, with signatures from the company and the complainant to attest to their mutual satisfaction.

Guidance on the above is provided in this section.

3B.2 Guidance | Plan
3.Engagement and analysis  |  3B Incident and grievance management  |  3B.2 Guidance  |  Plan