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The Social Way Toolkit
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What’s in this Toolkit?

The Social Way is key to us achieving our Purpose to re-imagine mining to help improve people’s lives.

The Social Way Toolkit (formerly known as SEAT) contains detailed guidance on the standards, processes and procedures required for effective social performance and implementation of the Social Way Policy.

The toolkit is organised around four sections: Governance, Review and Planning, Engagement and Analysis, and Impact and Risk Prevention and Management. Each section includes guidance, information about management and resources, and downloadable tools and templates.

Anglo American Social Way Toolkit – Table of contents

Below is a full list of contents for the Social Way Toolkit.

The toolkit is structured so that you can easily dip in and out to find the content you need.

You’ll see that sections in 2/3/4 are structured in the same way:

In addition, some sections contain infographics and video content to help clarify more complex areas and topics.

1. Governance

2. Review and Planning

3. Engagement and Analysis

  • 3A Stakeholder Engagement
  • 3B Incident and Grievance Management
  • 3C Social and Human Rights Impact and Risk Analysis (SHIRA)

4. Impact and Risk Prevention and Management

  • 4A Socio-Economic Development (SED)
  • 4B Contractor Social Management
  • 4C Community Health and Safety Management
  • 4D Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
  • 4E Security Management & the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR)
  • 4F Land Access, Displacement and Resettlement
  • 4G Site-Induced Migration (SIM)
  • 4H Cultural Heritage
  • 4I Indigenous Peoples
  • 4J Conflict Management
  • 4K Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM)