Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining
Business Unit
Community Engagement Forum
Chance Find Procedure
Cultural Heritage Management Plan
Community Health and Safety
Corporate Relations
Contractor Management Plan
Collaborative Regional Development
Contractor Social Management Plan
Civil Society Organisation
Design Criteria Proforma
Displacement Management Plan
Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines
Engineering Procurement Construction Management
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Environmental Preparedness and Response Plan
Emergency Response Plan
Environmental and Social Health Impact Assessment
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Executive Committee
Free, prior and informed consent
Group Investment Assurance
Good International Industry Practice Guidelines
Geographic Information System
General Manager
Grave Relocation Procedure
Health Impact Assessment
Head of Department
Human Resources
Health, Safety, Security and Environment
Investment Criteria by Stage
International Council on Mining and Metals
Informed Consultation and Participation
Investment Development Model
International Finance Corporation
International Finance Corporation Performance Standards
International Government Relations
International Labour Organisation
Investment Committee
Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples Plan
Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance
Key Performance Indicator
Land Access, Displacement and Resettlement
Land Access Procedure
Learning from Incidents
Life of Asset
Life of Asset Plan
Livelihood Restoration Plan
Large-scale mining
Monitoring and Evaluation
Mine Closure Toolbox
Memorandum of Understanding
Non-Communicable Disease
Non-Governmental Organisation
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Occupational Health and Safety
Operating Model
Operations Committee
Operational Risk Management
Plan Do Check Act
Pre-Employment Screening
Post-Investment Review
Project Management Framework
Point of Contact
Personal Protective Equipment
Performance Standard
Priority Unwanted Event
Priority Unwanted Events
Resettlement Action Plan
Resettlement Committee
Resource Development Plan
Responsible Jewellery Council
Responsible Mining Initiative
Resettlement Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Resettlement Working Group
Safety and Sustainable Development
Stakeholder Accountability Report
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Socio-Economic Development
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Safety, Health, Environment
Social and Human Rights Impact and Risk Analysis
Strategic Impact Assessment
Stay-in-Business (Capital Expenditure)
Site-Induced Migration
Social Licence to Innovate
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound
Subject Matter Expert
Social Management Plan
Social Performance
Social Performance Management Committee
Social Return on Investment
Steering Committee
Social Way Improvement Plan
Terms of Reference
Tailings Storage Facility
United Nations
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
Work breakdown structure
World Health Organization
Workplace Risk Assessment and Control
Waste rock dump